quinta-feira, 20 de dezembro de 2007

Fallen Angel

Fui chamada à atenção pelos meus colegas do blogue, com muita razão, que a entrada foi um tanto ou quanto...radical! Sem apresentação nenhuma. Pois bem, não que vos interesse minimamente -até porque ninguém lê isto- eu sou um dos cinco elementos, o último a dar a sua graça por aqui: The Librarian. E aqui vai vai uma amostra, algo sombria, do meu trabalho. Mas como vão constatar ao fim de algum tempo, é só disto que vão ver!!!

Fallen Angel

Once upon a time there was an angel. She walked the narrow streets of Hell, faithful to her master, the lord of all that’s dark. Respected by her peers and feared by lower demons, she wandered among damned souls forever forgotten by the light. Vengeful gargoyles watched her steps while other creaures, devious and wicked, followed her way trying to bring her down. But she was far too powerful and great to be touched. Far too pure to be near. Far too dangerous to be loved.

Others like her kept their distance, for any demonstration of affection could ruin the scheme of things in a place where order was everything. Bound to the reality of the doomed, cursed by the blood that ran through her veins, Syria was the Angel of Vengeance. These demons were chosen to enforce her master’s will. That is why they were called angels. Only a few were worthy of her attention and Syria was one of the nine that answered the dark prayers meant to Hell. This angel freed the earth above from the unrighteous and benighted souls, cleansed the land and dragged the evil down to the realm of fire. She was at his service. It was her work that fed the furnaces of the underworld and her effort that determined the fortune of countless lost souls. Never, at any time, did she question what she was being asked to do for that was all she had known.

Petty minds will never reach the greatness required to be an angel. That was engraved in every cell of her being for as long as she could remember. He had been her only lord and her only guide and was to be the one responsible for the change that could bring his kingdom to the ground. The flames that burnt on the corners of Hell concealed an unforgivable secret. These angels had once been children meant for a greater purpose. Stolen from their guardians at an early age, they were raised in Hell with the intent of destroying one of God’s greatest symbols. Angels who walked the earth, close to God’s servants, under the same circumstances. Angels disguised among the crowds ready to ease their lives. Angels put to the service of Hell’s lord, broken by a will stronger than theirs before being capable to distinguish good from evil. But when the truth surfaces and the bloodlines speak louder, astonishing things happen.

Syria, outraged with what had been done, rebelled against the dark lord, and disobeying his commands she began a war destined to be written in the books of memory. Rejecting all she had known, she crossed the gates of Hell to never return. Promising herself to dedicate her every breath to the ungrateful task of protecting those who she once convicted, Syria became the last barrier against Hell’s wishes.

The Librarian

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